Our applications are applied or supervised by New York State Department Environmental Conservation licensed applicators. We carefully utilize products based on their level of efficacy, least possible toxicity and environmental impact.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requires us to provide you with a written list of substances to be applied including: brand names and generic names of active ingredients; EPA registration number; any warnings that appear on the label of the registered pesticides which may be applied that are pertinent to the protection of humans, animals of the environment; and the company name, address, telephone number, business registration number and applicator certification identification card number.
- 2024 Product Usage List
- A Complete Fruit Tree Spray
- Acclaim Extra
- Acephate 97 UP
- Agri-Mycin 50
- Aliette WDG
- Allectus Insecticide Plus Fertilizer
- Aracinate
- Arbotect 20-S
- Astro 279-3141 10-26-23
- AzaGuard
- Barricade with 16-0-8 MESA .43
- Baseline 279-3177 10-26-23
- Bonzi Ornamental Growth Regulator
- Broadform
- Broadform for Beech Leaf Disease
- Cambistat
- Carbaryl
- Certainty
- Champ FL 55146-64 4-7-23
- Chlorothalonil 720 SFT
- Cleary's 3336F
- Cleary's 3336DG Lite
- Conserve SC 62719-291 4-6-22
- Contrac Blox
- CornerStone Plus
- Crosscheck .069 Plus Fertilizer
- Damminix
- DeerPro Winter 84178-1 10-11-23
- Dipel Pro DF
- Distance IGR 59639-96 4-26-22
- Double Nickel LC 70051-107 8-18-23
- Dylox 6.2 G
- EcoSwing Botanical Fungicide
- Evergreen
- Fertilizer 17-0-17 with Allectus 432-1417-93243 6-3-20
- Fertilizer with Prodiamine
- Fertilizer 18-0-6
- Fertilizer (Starter) 18-24-12
- Fertilizer 20-0-8 Greenskeeper
- Fertilizer Aluminum Sulfate
- Fertilizer AMP XC Liquid
- Fertilizer Biopak Plus 30-0-20
Fertilizer CarbonPro-G Soil Optimizer
Fertilizer CarbonPro-G Soil Optimizer
- Fertilizer Gravity Amplifier
- Fertilizer Gravity L 12-0-0 (Greens Up)
- Fertilizer Guarantee Natural
- Fertilizer Gypsum
- Fertilizer Hi-Calcium Pelletized Lime
- Fertilizer K-MAG Potassium Sulfate
- Fertilizer Kelp Iron
- Fertilizer Lesco 0-0-50
- Fertilizer Magnesium Sulfate
- Fertilizer MAX-IN Magnesium
- Fertilizer Mikro-Myco
- Fertilizer PanaSea Plus
- Fertilizer Pelletized Lime
- Fertilizer Plant Food Co. 16-4-5-50 liquid with Micronutrients
- Fertlizer Sugar Cal
- Fertilizer Sweet Iron
- Fertilizer TopBuxus Boxwood Restore and Protect
- Fertilizer UMAXX 46-0-0
- Fertilizer XSODIS 3-0-0
- Floramite SC
- Florel
- Gravity SL PGS 1381-253-102472 4-6-23
- Greyhound 69117-2 5-25-23
- Headway
- Heritage TL
- Imidacloprid 2F 53883-514 4-18-22
- Insignia SC 7969-290 8-24-23
- Kopa
- Lawn Weed Brew Fe
- Mallet 2F
- Manzate Max
- Mesotrione and 21-22-4 Fertilizer
- Minx 2
- Moss Out
- Pageant 7969-251 3-9-22
- Pointer 69117-1 3-21-23
- PPZ 143 MC (Armor Tech)
- Pristine 7969-199 4-6-23
- Prodiamine Herbicide and Fertilizer 16-0-5
- Prograss EC
- Propiconazole 14.3 53883-363 8-2-22
- Prosedge 2 Herbicide
- Provaunt
- Purespray 10E 69526-5 7-14-23
- Purespray Green 69526-9 7-21-21
- Pyronyl Crop Spray 89459-26 8-23-21
- Ranger Pro 524-517 3-4-21
- Regalia Biofungicide
- Reliant Systemic 83416-1 8-13-23
- Safari 20 SG
- Sedgehammer 81880-1-10163 10-18-21
- Sedgemaster
- Sevin SL
- Shepherd 69117-3- 5-25-23
- Shuttle O 66330-38-59807 1-27-22
- Speedzone EW
- Strobe 2L 53883-393 10-20-23
- Subdue Maxx
- SureGuard SC
- Systrex
- Talpirid
- Talstar Pro 279-3206 11-7-22
- Tebuconazole 3.6F
- Tempo SC Ultra
- Tenacity 100-1267 2-6-23
- TerraCyte Pro
- T-Methyl 4.5F 228-652 8-2-23
- Tree-age G4
- Tree Tech OTC
- Treflan 5G
- Triact 70 70051-2-59807 9-20-22
- Tristar 8.5 SL 8033-106-1001 1-12-21
- Xytect Infusible
- Other: Adams Earth Biostimulant
- Other: Aircover
- Other: Bioplex Transplant Concentrate
- Other: Cedar Cure Oil
- Other: Deer Free Summer Armor
- Other: Deer Free Winter Armor
- Other: Deer Out
- Other: Droplex
- Other: EcoSmart Lawn Insect Killer
- Other: Essentria
- Other: Goose Stopper
- Other: Micro-Mix Micronutrients
- Other: MicroPack
- Other: Nematodes Beneficial Triple Blend
- Other: Organocide
- Other: Pentra-Bark
- Other: Phydura Herbicide
- Other: PolyPhosphite 30
- Other: Promax Nematicide
- Other: Transfilm
- Other: Treekote Tree Wound Dressing